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Unicode 表情圖案(emoji ) + 特殊符號字元一覽表

網頁常常會用到一些小圖示,例如搜尋框、郵件圖示、留言對話泡泡等。最簡單的方法可以直接 Google 這些圖示、或是到素材網站尋找合適的圖案,不過最近發現「Unicode 組織」越做越強大,很多常用的圖示都已經可以在 Unicode 編碼中找到。

而且 Unicode 非常跟的上潮流,FB、Line 等社交工具的風行,讓表情圖案需求大增,因此 Unicode 早已創造了許多表情圖案,且每年不斷地持續新增,今年~明年將有數百個表情符號可用。

本篇整理了所有 Unicode 特殊字元、符號的一覽表,方便查詢及複製。不過 Blogger 平台請等下一篇的使用說明書,因為 Blogger 編輯器對 Unicode 的相容性有點問題,需要特殊技巧才能正常顯示,貿然使用可能會引起災難,還請耐心等待。


1. 符號表出處

本篇符號表的來源為這一篇「Emoji Unicode Tables」,「emoji」是日本用語,中文大致是 "繪文字" 的意思。

目前市面上的 Unicode 為 7.0 版,而 8.0 版預計明天 2015.6.17 會上市。究竟新的版本會增加哪些表情圖案?好奇的讀者可先參考官網的說明:「UNICODE EMOJI

2. 瀏覽器、作業系統支援性

然而,別說即將新出的 8.0 版,就算是目前的 7.0 版,讀者都不一定能在螢幕上看得到,不信的話,可以再拜訪一次「Emoji Unicode Tables」,運氣最差的狀況,可能有八成都看不到,為何會如此呢?

一方面是瀏覽器的關係,如果你使用的瀏覽器有內建這些 Unicode 的字型編碼,那就看得到。一方面是作業系統的字型緣故,XP 支援的 Unicode 字型最少,Win7 次之,Win8 則支援最多的符號。

3. 一覽表

本篇整理的表格,已經後製處理過,無論讀者使用 XP、或是任何瀏覽器,都能看到所有的特殊圖案,利於挑選及複製需要的符號來使用。建議可以將本篇網址存入書籤,方便日後查詢。

1. 表情 (1F601-1F64F)

😁\1F601😁😁grinning face with smiling eyes
😂\1F602😂😂face with tears of joy
😃\1F603😃😃smiling face with open mouth
😄\1F604😄😄smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes
😅\1F605😅😅smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat
😆\1F606😆😆smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes
😉\1F609😉😉winking face
😊\1F60A😊😊smiling face with smiling eyes
😋\1F60B😋😋face savouring delicious food
😌\1F60C😌😌relieved face
😍\1F60D😍😍smiling face with heart-shaped eyes
😏\1F60F😏😏smirking face
😒\1F612😒😒unamused face
😓\1F613😓😓face with cold sweat
😔\1F614😔😔pensive face
😖\1F616😖😖confounded face
😘\1F618😘😘face throwing a kiss
😚\1F61A😚😚kissing face with closed eyes
😜\1F61C😜😜face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye
😝\1F61D😝😝face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes
😞\1F61E😞😞disappointed face
😠\1F620😠😠angry face
😡\1F621😡😡pouting face
😢\1F622😢😢crying face
😣\1F623😣😣persevering face
😤\1F624😤😤face with look of triumph
😥\1F625😥😥disappointed but relieved face
😨\1F628😨😨fearful face
😩\1F629😩😩weary face
😪\1F62A😪😪sleepy face
😫\1F62B😫😫tired face
😭\1F62D😭😭loudly crying face
😰\1F630😰😰face with open mouth and cold sweat
😱\1F631😱😱face screaming in fear
😲\1F632😲😲astonished face
😳\1F633😳😳flushed face
😵\1F635😵😵dizzy face
😷\1F637😷😷face with medical mask
😸\1F638😸😸grinning cat face with smiling eyes
😹\1F639😹😹cat face with tears of joy
😺\1F63A😺😺smiling cat face with open mouth
😻\1F63B😻😻smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes
😼\1F63C😼😼cat face with wry smile
😽\1F63D😽😽kissing cat face with closed eyes
😾\1F63E😾😾pouting cat face
😿\1F63F😿😿crying cat face
🙀\1F640🙀🙀weary cat face
🙅\1F645🙅🙅face with no good gesture
🙆\1F646🙆🙆face with ok gesture
🙇\1F647🙇🙇person bowing deeply
🙈\1F648🙈🙈see-no-evil monkey
🙉\1F649🙉🙉hear-no-evil monkey
🙊\1F64A🙊🙊speak-no-evil monkey
🙋\1F64B🙋🙋happy person raising one hand
🙌\1F64C🙌🙌person raising both hands in celebration
🙍\1F64D🙍🙍person frowning
🙎\1F64E🙎🙎person with pouting face
🙏\1F64F🙏🙏person with folded hands

2. 雜錦字型 (2702-27B0)

\2702✂✂black scissors
\2705✅✅white heavy check mark
\270A✊✊raised fist
\270B✋✋raised hand
\270C✌✌victory hand
\2712✒✒black nib
\2714✔✔heavy check mark
\2716✖✖heavy multiplication x
\2733✳✳eight spoked asterisk
\2734✴✴eight pointed black star
\274C❌❌cross mark
\274E❎❎negative squared cross mark
\2753❓❓black question mark ornament
\2754❔❔white question mark ornament
\2755❕❕white exclamation mark ornament
\2757❗❗heavy exclamation mark symbol
\2764❤❤heavy black heart
\2795➕➕heavy plus sign
\2796➖➖heavy minus sign
\2797➗➗heavy division sign
\27A1➡➡black rightwards arrow
\27B0➰➰curly loop

3. 交通運輸 (1F680-1F6C0)

🚃\1F683🚃🚃railway car
🚄\1F684🚄🚄high-speed train
🚅\1F685🚅🚅high-speed train with bullet nose
🚏\1F68F🚏🚏bus stop
🚒\1F692🚒🚒fire engine
🚓\1F693🚓🚓police car
🚙\1F699🚙🚙recreational vehicle
🚚\1F69A🚚🚚delivery truck
🚥\1F6A5🚥🚥horizontal traffic light
🚧\1F6A7🚧🚧construction sign
🚨\1F6A8🚨🚨police cars revolving light
🚩\1F6A9🚩🚩triangular flag on post
🚫\1F6AB🚫🚫no entry sign
🚬\1F6AC🚬🚬smoking symbol
🚭\1F6AD🚭🚭no smoking symbol
🚹\1F6B9🚹🚹mens symbol
🚺\1F6BA🚺🚺womens symbol
🚼\1F6BC🚼🚼baby symbol
🚾\1F6BE🚾🚾water closet

4. 圖框符號 (24C2-1F251)

\24C2ⓂⓂcircled latin capital letter m
🅰\1F170🅰🅰negative squared latin capital letter a
🅱\1F171🅱🅱negative squared latin capital letter b
🅾\1F17E🅾🅾negative squared latin capital letter o
🅿\1F17F🅿🅿negative squared latin capital letter p
🆎\1F18E🆎🆎negative squared ab
🆑\1F191🆑🆑squared cl
🆒\1F192🆒🆒squared cool
🆓\1F193🆓🆓squared free
🆔\1F194🆔🆔squared id
🆕\1F195🆕🆕squared new
🆖\1F196🆖🆖squared ng
🆗\1F197🆗🆗squared ok
🆘\1F198🆘🆘squared sos
🆙\1F199🆙🆙squared up with exclamation mark
🆚\1F19A🆚🆚squared vs
🈁\1F201🈁🈁squared katakana koko
🈂\1F202🈂🈂squared katakana sa
🈚\1F21A🈚🈚squared cjk unified ideograph-7121
🈯\1F22F🈯🈯squared cjk unified ideograph-6307
🈲\1F232🈲🈲squared cjk unified ideograph-7981
🈳\1F233🈳🈳squared cjk unified ideograph-7a7a
🈴\1F234🈴🈴squared cjk unified ideograph-5408
🈵\1F235🈵🈵squared cjk unified ideograph-6e80
🈶\1F236🈶🈶squared cjk unified ideograph-6709
🈷\1F237🈷🈷squared cjk unified ideograph-6708
🈸\1F238🈸🈸squared cjk unified ideograph-7533
🈹\1F239🈹🈹squared cjk unified ideograph-5272
🈺\1F23A🈺🈺squared cjk unified ideograph-55b6
🉐\1F250🉐🉐circled ideograph advantage
🉑\1F251🉑🉑circled ideograph accept

5. 未分類

©\00A9©©copyright sign
®\00AE®®registered sign
\203C‼‼double exclamation mark
\2049⁉⁉exclamation question mark
\2122™™trade mark sign
\2139ℹℹinformation source
\2194↔↔left right arrow
\2195↕↕up down arrow
\2196↖↖north west arrow
\2197↗↗north east arrow
\2198↘↘south east arrow
\2199↙↙south west arrow
\21A9↩↩leftwards arrow with hook
\21AA↪↪rightwards arrow with hook
\23E9⏩⏩black right-pointing double triangle
\23EA⏪⏪black left-pointing double triangle
\23EB⏫⏫black up-pointing double triangle
\23EC⏬⏬black down-pointing double triangle
\23F0⏰⏰alarm clock
\23F3⏳⏳hourglass with flowing sand
\25AA▪▪black small square
\25AB▫▫white small square
\25B6▶▶black right-pointing triangle
\25C0◀◀black left-pointing triangle
\25FB◻◻white medium square
\25FC◼◼black medium square
\25FD◽◽white medium small square
\25FE◾◾black medium small square
\2600☀☀black sun with rays
\260E☎☎black telephone
\2611☑☑ballot box with check
\2614☔☔umbrella with rain drops
\2615☕☕hot beverage
\261D☝☝white up pointing index
\263A☺☺white smiling face
\2660♠♠black spade suit
\2663♣♣black club suit
\2665♥♥black heart suit
\2666♦♦black diamond suit
\2668♨♨hot springs
\267B♻♻black universal recycling symbol
\267F♿♿wheelchair symbol
\26A0⚠⚠warning sign
\26A1⚡⚡high voltage sign
\26AA⚪⚪medium white circle
\26AB⚫⚫medium black circle
\26BD⚽⚽soccer ball
\26C4⛄⛄snowman without snow
\26C5⛅⛅sun behind cloud
\26D4⛔⛔no entry
\26F3⛳⛳flag in hole
\26FD⛽⛽fuel pump
\2934⤴⤴arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards
\2935⤵⤵arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards
\2B05⬅⬅leftwards black arrow
\2B06⬆⬆upwards black arrow
\2B07⬇⬇downwards black arrow
\2B1B⬛⬛black large square
\2B1C⬜⬜white large square
\2B50⭐⭐white medium star
\2B55⭕⭕heavy large circle
\3030〰〰wavy dash
\303D〽〽part alternation mark
\3297㊗㊗circled ideograph congratulation
\3299㊙㊙circled ideograph secret
🀄\1F004🀄🀄mahjong tile red dragon
🃏\1F0CF🃏🃏playing card black joker
🌂\1F302🌂🌂closed umbrella
🌃\1F303🌃🌃night with stars
🌄\1F304🌄🌄sunrise over mountains
🌆\1F306🌆🌆cityscape at dusk
🌇\1F307🌇🌇sunset over buildings
🌉\1F309🌉🌉bridge at night
🌊\1F30A🌊🌊water wave
🌌\1F30C🌌🌌milky way
🌏\1F30F🌏🌏earth globe asia-australia
🌑\1F311🌑🌑new moon symbol
🌓\1F313🌓🌓first quarter moon symbol
🌔\1F314🌔🌔waxing gibbous moon symbol
🌕\1F315🌕🌕full moon symbol
🌙\1F319🌙🌙crescent moon
🌛\1F31B🌛🌛first quarter moon with face
🌟\1F31F🌟🌟glowing star
🌠\1F320🌠🌠shooting star
🌴\1F334🌴🌴palm tree
🌸\1F338🌸🌸cherry blossom
🌽\1F33D🌽🌽ear of maize
🌾\1F33E🌾🌾ear of rice
🍀\1F340🍀🍀four leaf clover
🍁\1F341🍁🍁maple leaf
🍂\1F342🍂🍂fallen leaf
🍃\1F343🍃🍃leaf fluttering in wind
🍎\1F34E🍎🍎red apple
🍏\1F34F🍏🍏green apple
🍕\1F355🍕🍕slice of pizza
🍖\1F356🍖🍖meat on bone
🍗\1F357🍗🍗poultry leg
🍘\1F358🍘🍘rice cracker
🍙\1F359🍙🍙rice ball
🍚\1F35A🍚🍚cooked rice
🍛\1F35B🍛🍛curry and rice
🍜\1F35C🍜🍜steaming bowl
🍟\1F35F🍟🍟french fries
🍠\1F360🍠🍠roasted sweet potato
🍤\1F364🍤🍤fried shrimp
🍥\1F365🍥🍥fish cake with swirl design
🍦\1F366🍦🍦soft ice cream
🍧\1F367🍧🍧shaved ice
🍨\1F368🍨🍨ice cream
🍫\1F36B🍫🍫chocolate bar
🍯\1F36F🍯🍯honey pot
🍱\1F371🍱🍱bento box
🍲\1F372🍲🍲pot of food
🍴\1F374🍴🍴fork and knife
🍵\1F375🍵🍵teacup without handle
🍶\1F376🍶🍶sake bottle and cup
🍷\1F377🍷🍷wine glass
🍸\1F378🍸🍸cocktail glass
🍹\1F379🍹🍹tropical drink
🍺\1F37A🍺🍺beer mug
🍻\1F37B🍻🍻clinking beer mugs
🎁\1F381🎁🎁wrapped present
🎂\1F382🎂🎂birthday cake
🎄\1F384🎄🎄christmas tree
🎅\1F385🎅🎅father christmas
🎇\1F387🎇🎇firework sparkler
🎉\1F389🎉🎉party popper
🎊\1F38A🎊🎊confetti ball
🎋\1F38B🎋🎋tanabata tree
🎌\1F38C🎌🎌crossed flags
🎍\1F38D🎍🎍pine decoration
🎎\1F38E🎎🎎japanese dolls
🎏\1F38F🎏🎏carp streamer
🎐\1F390🎐🎐wind chime
🎑\1F391🎑🎑moon viewing ceremony
🎒\1F392🎒🎒school satchel
🎓\1F393🎓🎓graduation cap
🎠\1F3A0🎠🎠carousel horse
🎡\1F3A1🎡🎡ferris wheel
🎢\1F3A2🎢🎢roller coaster
🎣\1F3A3🎣🎣fishing pole and fish
🎥\1F3A5🎥🎥movie camera
🎨\1F3A8🎨🎨artist palette
🎩\1F3A9🎩🎩top hat
🎪\1F3AA🎪🎪circus tent
🎬\1F3AC🎬🎬clapper board
🎭\1F3AD🎭🎭performing arts
🎮\1F3AE🎮🎮video game
🎯\1F3AF🎯🎯direct hit
🎰\1F3B0🎰🎰slot machine
🎲\1F3B2🎲🎲game die
🎴\1F3B4🎴🎴flower playing cards
🎵\1F3B5🎵🎵musical note
🎶\1F3B6🎶🎶multiple musical notes
🎹\1F3B9🎹🎹musical keyboard
🎼\1F3BC🎼🎼musical score
🎽\1F3BD🎽🎽running shirt with sash
🎾\1F3BE🎾🎾tennis racquet and ball
🎿\1F3BF🎿🎿ski and ski boot
🏀\1F3C0🏀🏀basketball and hoop
🏁\1F3C1🏁🏁chequered flag
🏈\1F3C8🏈🏈american football
🏠\1F3E0🏠🏠house building
🏡\1F3E1🏡🏡house with garden
🏢\1F3E2🏢🏢office building
🏣\1F3E3🏣🏣japanese post office
🏧\1F3E7🏧🏧automated teller machine
🏩\1F3E9🏩🏩love hotel
🏪\1F3EA🏪🏪convenience store
🏬\1F3EC🏬🏬department store
🏮\1F3EE🏮🏮izakaya lantern
🏯\1F3EF🏯🏯japanese castle
🏰\1F3F0🏰🏰european castle
🐚\1F41A🐚🐚spiral shell
🐞\1F41E🐞🐞lady beetle
🐠\1F420🐠🐠tropical fish
🐣\1F423🐣🐣hatching chick
🐤\1F424🐤🐤baby chick
🐥\1F425🐥🐥front-facing baby chick
🐫\1F42B🐫🐫bactrian camel
🐭\1F42D🐭🐭mouse face
🐮\1F42E🐮🐮cow face
🐯\1F42F🐯🐯tiger face
🐰\1F430🐰🐰rabbit face
🐱\1F431🐱🐱cat face
🐲\1F432🐲🐲dragon face
🐳\1F433🐳🐳spouting whale
🐴\1F434🐴🐴horse face
🐵\1F435🐵🐵monkey face
🐶\1F436🐶🐶dog face
🐷\1F437🐷🐷pig face
🐸\1F438🐸🐸frog face
🐹\1F439🐹🐹hamster face
🐺\1F43A🐺🐺wolf face
🐻\1F43B🐻🐻bear face
🐼\1F43C🐼🐼panda face
🐽\1F43D🐽🐽pig nose
🐾\1F43E🐾🐾paw prints
👆\1F446👆👆white up pointing backhand index
👇\1F447👇👇white down pointing backhand index
👈\1F448👈👈white left pointing backhand index
👉\1F449👉👉white right pointing backhand index
👊\1F44A👊👊fisted hand sign
👋\1F44B👋👋waving hand sign
👌\1F44C👌👌ok hand sign
👍\1F44D👍👍thumbs up sign
👎\1F44E👎👎thumbs down sign
👏\1F44F👏👏clapping hands sign
👐\1F450👐👐open hands sign
👒\1F452👒👒womans hat
👚\1F45A👚👚womans clothes
👞\1F45E👞👞mans shoe
👟\1F45F👟👟athletic shoe
👠\1F460👠👠high-heeled shoe
👡\1F461👡👡womans sandal
👢\1F462👢👢womans boots
👤\1F464👤👤bust in silhouette
👫\1F46B👫👫man and woman holding hands
👮\1F46E👮👮police officer
👯\1F46F👯👯woman with bunny ears
👰\1F470👰👰bride with veil
👱\1F471👱👱person with blond hair
👲\1F472👲👲man with gua pi mao
👳\1F473👳👳man with turban
👴\1F474👴👴older man
👵\1F475👵👵older woman
👷\1F477👷👷construction worker
👹\1F479👹👹japanese ogre
👺\1F47A👺👺japanese goblin
👼\1F47C👼👼baby angel
👽\1F47D👽👽extraterrestrial alien
👾\1F47E👾👾alien monster
💁\1F481💁💁information desk person
💅\1F485💅💅nail polish
💆\1F486💆💆face massage
💈\1F488💈💈barber pole
💋\1F48B💋💋kiss mark
💌\1F48C💌💌love letter
💎\1F48E💎💎gem stone
💑\1F491💑💑couple with heart
💓\1F493💓💓beating heart
💔\1F494💔💔broken heart
💕\1F495💕💕two hearts
💖\1F496💖💖sparkling heart
💗\1F497💗💗growing heart
💘\1F498💘💘heart with arrow
💙\1F499💙💙blue heart
💚\1F49A💚💚green heart
💛\1F49B💛💛yellow heart
💜\1F49C💜💜purple heart
💝\1F49D💝💝heart with ribbon
💞\1F49E💞💞revolving hearts
💟\1F49F💟💟heart decoration
💠\1F4A0💠💠diamond shape with a dot inside
💡\1F4A1💡💡electric light bulb
💢\1F4A2💢💢anger symbol
💤\1F4A4💤💤sleeping symbol
💥\1F4A5💥💥collision symbol
💦\1F4A6💦💦splashing sweat symbol
💨\1F4A8💨💨dash symbol
💩\1F4A9💩💩pile of poo
💪\1F4AA💪💪flexed biceps
💫\1F4AB💫💫dizzy symbol
💬\1F4AC💬💬speech balloon
💮\1F4AE💮💮white flower
💯\1F4AF💯💯hundred points symbol
💰\1F4B0💰💰money bag
💱\1F4B1💱💱currency exchange
💲\1F4B2💲💲heavy dollar sign
💳\1F4B3💳💳credit card
💴\1F4B4💴💴banknote with yen sign
💵\1F4B5💵💵banknote with dollar sign
💸\1F4B8💸💸money with wings
💹\1F4B9💹💹chart with upwards trend and yen sign
💻\1F4BB💻💻personal computer
💾\1F4BE💾💾floppy disk
💿\1F4BF💿💿optical disc
📁\1F4C1📁📁file folder
📂\1F4C2📂📂open file folder
📃\1F4C3📃📃page with curl
📄\1F4C4📄📄page facing up
📆\1F4C6📆📆tear-off calendar
📇\1F4C7📇📇card index
📈\1F4C8📈📈chart with upwards trend
📉\1F4C9📉📉chart with downwards trend
📊\1F4CA📊📊bar chart
📍\1F4CD📍📍round pushpin
📏\1F4CF📏📏straight ruler
📐\1F4D0📐📐triangular ruler
📑\1F4D1📑📑bookmark tabs
📔\1F4D4📔📔notebook with decorative cover
📕\1F4D5📕📕closed book
📖\1F4D6📖📖open book
📗\1F4D7📗📗green book
📘\1F4D8📘📘blue book
📙\1F4D9📙📙orange book
📛\1F4DB📛📛name badge
📞\1F4DE📞📞telephone receiver
📠\1F4E0📠📠fax machine
📡\1F4E1📡📡satellite antenna
📢\1F4E2📢📢public address loudspeaker
📣\1F4E3📣📣cheering megaphone
📤\1F4E4📤📤outbox tray
📥\1F4E5📥📥inbox tray
📧\1F4E7📧📧e-mail symbol
📨\1F4E8📨📨incoming envelope
📩\1F4E9📩📩envelope with downwards arrow above
📪\1F4EA📪📪closed mailbox with lowered flag
📫\1F4EB📫📫closed mailbox with raised flag
📱\1F4F1📱📱mobile phone
📲\1F4F2📲📲mobile phone with rightwards arrow at left
📳\1F4F3📳📳vibration mode
📴\1F4F4📴📴mobile phone off
📶\1F4F6📶📶antenna with bars
📹\1F4F9📹📹video camera
🔃\1F503🔃🔃clockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows
🔊\1F50A🔊🔊speaker with three sound waves
🔌\1F50C🔌🔌electric plug
🔍\1F50D🔍🔍left-pointing magnifying glass
🔎\1F50E🔎🔎right-pointing magnifying glass
🔏\1F50F🔏🔏lock with ink pen
🔐\1F510🔐🔐closed lock with key
🔓\1F513🔓🔓open lock
🔗\1F517🔗🔗link symbol
🔘\1F518🔘🔘radio button
🔙\1F519🔙🔙back with leftwards arrow above
🔚\1F51A🔚🔚end with leftwards arrow above
🔛\1F51B🔛🔛on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above
🔜\1F51C🔜🔜soon with rightwards arrow above
🔝\1F51D🔝🔝top with upwards arrow above
🔞\1F51E🔞🔞no one under eighteen symbol
🔟\1F51F🔟🔟keycap ten
🔠\1F520🔠🔠input symbol for latin capital letters
🔡\1F521🔡🔡input symbol for latin small letters
🔢\1F522🔢🔢input symbol for numbers
🔣\1F523🔣🔣input symbol for symbols
🔤\1F524🔤🔤input symbol for latin letters
🔦\1F526🔦🔦electric torch
🔩\1F529🔩🔩nut and bolt
🔮\1F52E🔮🔮crystal ball
🔯\1F52F🔯🔯six pointed star with middle dot
🔰\1F530🔰🔰japanese symbol for beginner
🔱\1F531🔱🔱trident emblem
🔲\1F532🔲🔲black square button
🔳\1F533🔳🔳white square button
🔴\1F534🔴🔴large red circle
🔵\1F535🔵🔵large blue circle
🔶\1F536🔶🔶large orange diamond
🔷\1F537🔷🔷large blue diamond
🔸\1F538🔸🔸small orange diamond
🔹\1F539🔹🔹small blue diamond
🔺\1F53A🔺🔺up-pointing red triangle
🔻\1F53B🔻🔻down-pointing red triangle
🔼\1F53C🔼🔼up-pointing small red triangle
🔽\1F53D🔽🔽down-pointing small red triangle
🕐\1F550🕐🕐clock face one oclock
🕑\1F551🕑🕑clock face two oclock
🕒\1F552🕒🕒clock face three oclock
🕓\1F553🕓🕓clock face four oclock
🕔\1F554🕔🕔clock face five oclock
🕕\1F555🕕🕕clock face six oclock
🕖\1F556🕖🕖clock face seven oclock
🕗\1F557🕗🕗clock face eight oclock
🕘\1F558🕘🕘clock face nine oclock
🕙\1F559🕙🕙clock face ten oclock
🕚\1F55A🕚🕚clock face eleven oclock
🕛\1F55B🕛🕛clock face twelve oclock
🗻\1F5FB🗻🗻mount fuji
🗼\1F5FC🗼🗼tokyo tower
🗽\1F5FD🗽🗽statue of liberty
🗾\1F5FE🗾🗾silhouette of japan

6a. 其他表情 (1F600-1F636)

😀\1F600😀😀grinning face
😇\1F607😇😇smiling face with halo
😈\1F608😈😈smiling face with horns
😎\1F60E😎😎smiling face with sunglasses
😐\1F610😐😐neutral face
😑\1F611😑😑expressionless face
😕\1F615😕😕confused face
😗\1F617😗😗kissing face
😙\1F619😙😙kissing face with smiling eyes
😛\1F61B😛😛face with stuck-out tongue
😟\1F61F😟😟worried face
😦\1F626😦😦frowning face with open mouth
😧\1F627😧😧anguished face
😬\1F62C😬😬grimacing face
😮\1F62E😮😮face with open mouth
😯\1F62F😯😯hushed face
😴\1F634😴😴sleeping face
😶\1F636😶😶face without mouth

6b. 其他交通運輸 (1F681-1F6C5)

🚂\1F682🚂🚂steam locomotive
🚈\1F688🚈🚈light rail
🚍\1F68D🚍🚍oncoming bus
🚔\1F694🚔🚔oncoming police car
🚖\1F696🚖🚖oncoming taxi
🚘\1F698🚘🚘oncoming automobile
🚛\1F69B🚛🚛articulated lorry
🚞\1F69E🚞🚞mountain railway
🚟\1F69F🚟🚟suspension railway
🚠\1F6A0🚠🚠mountain cableway
🚡\1F6A1🚡🚡aerial tramway
🚦\1F6A6🚦🚦vertical traffic light
🚮\1F6AE🚮🚮put litter in its place symbol
🚯\1F6AF🚯🚯do not litter symbol
🚰\1F6B0🚰🚰potable water symbol
🚱\1F6B1🚱🚱non-potable water symbol
🚳\1F6B3🚳🚳no bicycles
🚵\1F6B5🚵🚵mountain bicyclist
🚷\1F6B7🚷🚷no pedestrians
🚸\1F6B8🚸🚸children crossing
🛂\1F6C2🛂🛂passport control
🛄\1F6C4🛄🛄baggage claim
🛅\1F6C5🛅🛅left luggage

6c. 其他圖案 (1F30D-1F567)

🌍\1F30D🌍🌍earth globe europe-africa
🌎\1F30E🌎🌎earth globe americas
🌐\1F310🌐🌐globe with meridians
🌒\1F312🌒🌒waxing crescent moon symbol
🌖\1F316🌖🌖waning gibbous moon symbol
🌗\1F317🌗🌗last quarter moon symbol
🌘\1F318🌘🌘waning crescent moon symbol
🌚\1F31A🌚🌚new moon with face
🌜\1F31C🌜🌜last quarter moon with face
🌝\1F31D🌝🌝full moon with face
🌞\1F31E🌞🌞sun with face
🌲\1F332🌲🌲evergreen tree
🌳\1F333🌳🌳deciduous tree
🍼\1F37C🍼🍼baby bottle
🏇\1F3C7🏇🏇horse racing
🏉\1F3C9🏉🏉rugby football
🏤\1F3E4🏤🏤european post office
🐃\1F403🐃🐃water buffalo
🐪\1F42A🐪🐪dromedary camel
👥\1F465👥👥busts in silhouette
👬\1F46C👬👬two men holding hands
👭\1F46D👭👭two women holding hands
💭\1F4AD💭💭thought balloon
💶\1F4B6💶💶banknote with euro sign
💷\1F4B7💷💷banknote with pound sign
📬\1F4EC📬📬open mailbox with raised flag
📭\1F4ED📭📭open mailbox with lowered flag
📯\1F4EF📯📯postal horn
📵\1F4F5📵📵no mobile phones
🔀\1F500🔀🔀twisted rightwards arrows
🔁\1F501🔁🔁clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows
🔂\1F502🔂🔂clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows with circled one overlay
🔄\1F504🔄🔄anticlockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows
🔅\1F505🔅🔅low brightness symbol
🔆\1F506🔆🔆high brightness symbol
🔇\1F507🔇🔇speaker with cancellation stroke
🔉\1F509🔉🔉speaker with one sound wave
🔕\1F515🔕🔕bell with cancellation stroke
🕜\1F55C🕜🕜clock face one-thirty
🕝\1F55D🕝🕝clock face two-thirty
🕞\1F55E🕞🕞clock face three-thirty
🕟\1F55F🕟🕟clock face four-thirty
🕠\1F560🕠🕠clock face five-thirty
🕡\1F561🕡🕡clock face six-thirty
🕢\1F562🕢🕢clock face seven-thirty
🕣\1F563🕣🕣clock face eight-thirty
🕤\1F564🕤🕤clock face nine-thirty
🕥\1F565🕥🕥clock face ten-thirty
🕦\1F566🕦🕦clock face eleven-thirty
🕧\1F567🕧🕧clock face twelve-thirty


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